
Character's Journals

Carly's Journal

I can't spend too much time on here today. I've started working with Asher and I am now a deputy for the city of Paradise Wells. I've been working days so far, there really isn't any reason to have a night shift. Ash and I share being on call in the evenings and weekends.
The wedding went very well and there was more than enough food for all attendees. It amazes me how organized and beautiful the day became.
Well, I need to get my uniform on and get to work this morning.
Have a good one, dear journal and I'll try to keep this up and timely.



Wow, I have been so busy with the wedding plans that I've not had the time to write here.
Oh my, I have such a problem. I'm cooking for the wedding and taking care of the family guests that are staying at the farm stay. The wedding is my problem, I offered to cook, but I am not sure how it is going to happen!
Who in their right mind can cook 28 chickens and all that goes with them like livers, gizzards, and hearts??
Where is Asher when I really need him. LOL
I really have no time to dwell on the problem.
Have I told you how much I love living here? Ruby and I have become very close friends. And, I have finally come to the decision to accept the deputy job with Asher. I haven't found the time to tell him yet, but he should stop by this evening and I hope to tell him then. Oh, and get some insight into my chicken fiasco.
I will enjoy working in Paradise Wells, I really like the town and it is only a mile or so from here.
I still haven't found out about the odd word concerning Miriam. I wish I could just come out and ask Miriam what is wrong., but no, that won't do. I like Ruby's sister a lot and hope her sullen look will soon disappear.
I guess I should go, I want to take a walk before I start in the kitchen this morning. The wedding is tomorrow and I have no idea how all of this is going to come together and work. Of course, I probably shouldn't worry as the Amish have been doing this on their own for a long time.
Have a good day diary, and I'll be back soon, Carly


Can you believe that a whole week has gone by, whew!
Remind me not to move again, at least I am finally unpacked. My apartment is really nice, I am glad I moved here to Matthew and Hannah's farm stay. Just think, they will be married soon.
No, I still haven't found the right time to ask Ruby about that word. She has been so busy and definitely has something to do with Miriam and her husband. I know once Ruby can take a breath that she will tell me all that is going on.
Oh, I finally got to spend some time with Asher. I am glad we are close once again. He is finally settled in his new apartment and the chief's job at the station. His place is only a few blocks from his office and I know he likes walking to work. Paradise Wells is a beautiful small town and very Amish. Many of the craftsmen have shops in town with their family. I am trying to take the time and go to all them.
I still haven't decided if I should take the job Asher offered me. We would be working together as I would be the only deputy. I would like the job, especially in this town. Big decisions and time are running away from me.
Take care,

It is Wednesday and I am still trying to find the weekend, GRRRR.
I think once I finish finding a place for all my stuff that I'll feel grounded and together. At least, I hope so.

Oh goodness, there is something going on that I just have to put down here. I am not really sure what is happening but something is going on. I swear I didn't mean to eavesdrop it just happened :)  I think it has something to do with Miriam, Ruby's sister, I'm not sure yet. I did hear an unusual word and I have no idea what it means and I won't until I can get hold of Ruby about it, braucherei is the word though it may be misspelled. I don't have internet here so I'll have to look into this once I get to the library.

Unfortunately, Ruby is so busy with Matthew and Hannah's wedding. Oh my, it is going to be a beautiful wedding, there are so many customs involved in the wedding. I ask so many questions about each one that the whole family is probably glad when I leave.

I'd best get moving I promised Hannah I would help her with dinner at the farm stay is full today. Ruby's working on something, she wouldn't say so of course, that leads me to think it has something to do with the word.

Talk to you soon, hmm, does a journal have a name?


Carly snuggled into the blanket she set out by the river, to watch the trees above her moving to a silent breeze. She picked up the new journal and started her first entry. "Who would have guessed? I am still here and loving my decision to move into the Trover's stay."

She smiled, still a little shocked by her decision to accept Matthew and Ruby's offer to turn the big bedroom into a nice apartment. Matthew put a door in the hall separating her place from the other guests. That gave her two bedrooms which he opened up the wall between with a sliding wooden door to her bedroom. The bathroom, now private, was on the far end of the sitting room across what had been the hallway. "I do love my place."

Today she finished wallpapering the last part of the apartment. Matthew and Hannah loved how I decorated the place and as Matthew said 'keeping it simple.' Carly laughed aloud over that one when Ruby just rolled her eyes.

After all that happened to everyone the last month, Carly decided she couldn't leave and, to be honest, Asher played a huge factor in the decision to make the move here permanent.

Her giggle floated on the breeze, "not exactly what Asher wanted me to do."


1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to meet other authors on here!!! I'll be reading your blog. Love it so far!
